55 research outputs found

    A Web Service for Video Summarization

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    This paper presents a Web service that supports the automatic generation of video summaries for user-submitted videos. The developed Web application decomposes the video into segments, evaluates the fitness of each segment to be included in the video summary and selects appropriate segments until a pre-defined time budget is filled. The integrated deep-learning-based video analysis and summarization technologies exhibit state-of-the-art performance and, by exploiting the processing capabilities of modern GPUs, offer faster than real-time processing. Configurations for generating video summaries that fulfill the specifications for posting on the most common video sharing platforms and social networks are available in the user interface of this application, enabling the one-click generation of distribution-channel-specific summaries

    Deep Domain-Adversarial Image Generation for Domain Generalisation

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    Machine learning models typically suffer from the domain shift problem when trained on a source dataset and evaluated on a target dataset of different distribution. To overcome this problem, domain generalisation (DG) methods aim to leverage data from multiple source domains so that a trained model can generalise to unseen domains. In this paper, we propose a novel DG approach based on \emph{Deep Domain-Adversarial Image Generation} (DDAIG). Specifically, DDAIG consists of three components, namely a label classifier, a domain classifier and a domain transformation network (DoTNet). The goal for DoTNet is to map the source training data to unseen domains. This is achieved by having a learning objective formulated to ensure that the generated data can be correctly classified by the label classifier while fooling the domain classifier. By augmenting the source training data with the generated unseen domain data, we can make the label classifier more robust to unknown domain changes. Extensive experiments on four DG datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: 8 page

    Semi-Supervised and Long-Tailed Object Detection with CascadeMatch

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    This paper focuses on long-tailed object detection in the semi-supervised learning setting, which poses realistic challenges, but has rarely been studied in the literature. We propose a novel pseudo-labeling-based detector called CascadeMatch. Our detector features a cascade network architecture, which has multi-stage detection heads with progressive confidence thresholds. To avoid manually tuning the thresholds, we design a new adaptive pseudo-label mining mechanism to automatically identify suitable values from data. To mitigate confirmation bias, where a model is negatively reinforced by incorrect pseudo-labels produced by itself, each detection head is trained by the ensemble pseudo-labels of all detection heads. Experiments on two long-tailed datasets, i.e., LVIS and COCO-LT, demonstrate that CascadeMatch surpasses existing state-of-the-art semi-supervised approaches -- across a wide range of detection architectures -- in handling long-tailed object detection. For instance, CascadeMatch outperforms Unbiased Teacher by 1.9 AP Fix on LVIS when using a ResNet50-based Cascade R-CNN structure, and by 1.7 AP Fix when using Sparse R-CNN with a Transformer encoder. We also show that CascadeMatch can even handle the challenging sparsely annotated object detection problem.Comment: International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 202
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